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Architecture overview — short introduction into ezop architecture.

Mailinglist digest — mailing list digest (9. 9. 2001), czech only.

Note: we're not dead, we're just that burried in progress we don't have time for updates... :)

Last update 9. 9. 2001


What is ezop?

Actually, correct question is "what is going to be ezop?", since the whole project has just started and the only code that we can give You is the source of this site :) To make long story short, ezop is going to be an opensource publishing platform. To make it a little longer than this, ezop is going to be opensource web publishing platform based on open standards (such as XML and DOM2) that will help you with publishing information on the web in many ways, separating the site content, formatting and logic. We will try to keep ezop as simple as can be, but we are certainly not going to crucify speed and features in the name of simplicity. We will also try to not only use the features of eXcellent Marketing Language, but also use the features of eXtensive Markup Language :-)


9th of Semptember: the whole site is nearly finished, documentation monster coming soon! (just to be sure You understand the "whole site finished" joke: this means the site should be open to public and fully running by ~month...)

As of 16th June, the project has just begun. We've got the ezop logo (which means we're already somewhere in the middle of the way to stars :), site design, ezop-devel developer mailing list running and we've begun working on the ezop basics — the information flow schemas. In the developer forum we're currently discussing basic ezop features, programming environments and code style, we've finished the license discussion, ezop is going to be developed under GPL/LGPL.
